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Map of the Museum of Lipari

Click on a section to view details and photos 

classica epigrafica
isole minori vulcanologica
paleontologia del quaternario

1.    Prehistoric section
2.    Epigraphical Section and Epigraphical garden
3.    Minor islands section
4.    Classical section
5.    Vulcanology section
6.    Paleontology of the Quaternary section
7.    Deposit of the great terracottas
8.    Tent I - Exposition space
9.    Military barracks
10.  Direction and offices
11.  Library (Building of the XIII Sec.)
12.  Ristoration and Box-office
13.  Ceramics laboratory
14.  Elevator

A.  Fortification of Spanish epoch
B.  Greek tower and tower it brings Norman
C.  Run of watch
D.  Archaeological excavations
E.  Archaeological park with sarcophagus of the Necropolis of c.da of Diana
F.  Theater to the open one (1978)
G.  Church of S.Maria of the Graces (XVIII Sec.)
H.  Cloister of the Norman monastery (XII Sec.)
I.  Cathedral of S.Bartolomeo (dal XII al XIX Sec.)
L.  Church of the immaculate (XVIII Sec.)
M.  The Our Lady of Sorrows church (XVI Sec.)
N.  Ex. Church of S.Caterina (XVI Sec.)
O.  Areas of pertinence of the Museum

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