- Fondo Vecchio Collection:
It is a collection of 503 manuscripts coming from the primary Giacomo Longo bequest, the Jesuitic College and the religious orders abolished after Italian Unity.
A card inventory with a brief explanation is available for users. Medieval dated manuscripts are in Manoscritti datati della Sicilia / Maria Maddalena Milazzo…[et al.] ed. ; - Firenze : SISMEL, 2003 (Manoscritti datati d’Italia, 8).
- Fondo Nuovo Collection:
It’s an open collection of 627 manuscripts mostly gathering documentation coming from La Corte Cailler. In this regard, you can consult the Catalogo dei manoscritti del Fondo La Corte Cailler nella Biblioteca regionale universitaria di Messina / A.M. Sgrò ed. ; Messina : Società messinese di storia patria, 1985.
You can consult other manuscripts in the Catalogo dei manoscritti del Fondo Nuovo della Biblioteca regionale di Messina, A.M. Sgrò ed., Messina : Biblioteca regionale universitaria, 1996.
- SS. Salvatore Collection:
The collection includes 175 manuscripts and 2 rolls coming from the Basilian monastery of SS. Salvatore de lingua phari.
The complete collection is cataloged by A. Mancini, Codices Graeci Monasterii Messanensis S. Salvatoris, Messina, 1907. For dated manuscripts you can consult the Catalogo dei manoscritti datati del Fondo del SS. Salvatore, M.T. Rodriquez ed., [Palermo]: Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali e della Pubblica Istruzione, 1999 (Sicilia/biblioteche; 50).
For SS. Salvatore collection bibliography, please consult M.T. Rodriquez, Bibliografia dei manoscritti greci del fondo del SS. Salvatore di Messina, Roma: Dipartimento di filosofia greca e latina, Sezione bizantino-neoellenica, Università di Roma La Sapienza, 2002 (Testi e studi bizantini-neoellenici; 8).
In addition, you can find 61 described fragments in the Catalogo dei frammenti di codici manoscritti greci della Biblioteca universitaria di Messina, Messina: Edizioni G.B.M., 1979, M.B. Foti ed.
- SS. Salvatore Collection (digital Library):
Augusto Mancini catalog, even outdated, is the only complete catalog of this collection. We chose to associate an image to each scanning with cataloguing data, in order to reproduce as closely as possible the original script and decorations.
Different copyists handwriting and added sections ending or integrating the text, often differently dated, are not documented.
Fondo SS. Salvatore
- Parchments:
This collection includes 107 parchments of La Corte Cailler Collection, except one containing the writ of execution of Messinese Jesuitic College constitutive note.
A list of all the single acts date is available for users.
Print editions
- Incunabula:
A Catalogo degli incunaboli della Biblioteca universitaria di Messina, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 1982, A. Bonifacio ed. is available for users, (423 incunabula). You can find their editions in Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d’Italia / Centro nazionale d’informazioni bibliografiche ed., Roma Istituto poligrafico and Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 1943-1981 (Indici e cataloghi, Nuova serie; 1).
- Edit 16:
3637 editions going to be put online (Opac SBN). A temporary catalog card arranged for authors and a partial index for printers are consultable by users. Messinese editions are in Annali dei tipografi messinesi del Cinquecento, A. Bonifacio ed., Vibo Valentia: Grafica Meridionale, 1977.
Our Library takes part in Italian 16 cent.edit census coordinated by ICCU (http://edit16.iccu.sbn.it/web_iccu/ihome.htm).
- Messinese editions:
The Catalogo delle edizioni messinesi dei secoli XV-XVIII, M.T.Rodriquez ed., [Palermo] : Regione siciliana, Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali e della Pubblica Istruzione, 1997, is available for users also on line (Opac SBN).
- Antiquarian Collection:
It contains mostly Messinese and Sicilian material, from XVII to XX Cent. A card catalog, going to be put also on line(Opac SBN), is here consultable.
- La Corte Cailler Collection:
It was bought between 1927 and 1932: it contains about 5.700 of mostly local interest works among which you can also find manuscripts retrieved after 1908 earthquake : e.g. Giuseppe Grosso Cacopardo correspondence and Giuseppe Arenaprimo documents about the city of Messina.
- Sada Collection:
A precious collection bought in 1931, also containing 790 historical photographs taken by this important architect representing many Italian cities. It has recently been used by Arch. Massimiliano Savorra in his volume Carlo Sada: 1849-1924: committenti, architetture e città nella Sicilia orientale, Palermo : Torri del Vento, 2014 (Sez Arte A 710).
- Pugliatti Collection:
It was bought in 1980 and contains about 2.000 publications about the history of music and musical criticism. In 2010 our Library produced a CD: Omaggio a Pugliatti musicologo : La Collezione Musicale Pugliatti.
- Belardinelli D'Alcontres Collection:
It was bought in 1983 and it contains handwritten music of XIX-XX cent., works of local musicians.
- Corsi Collection:
It was bought in 1988 and it contains 408 volumes about the history of cinema, especially the postwar Italian cinema, the experimental one, cinema in literature and in figurative arts, myths of the cinema, Italian talkie, American cinema, dictionaries.
- Vittorio Di Paola Collection:
It contains about 6.000 bibliographic documents: monographs, serial publications, historical postcards, photographs and engravings mostly regarding Messina and its history as well as Sicilian sources. You can also find very important texts about heraldry and the history of chivalry orders, such as the Sovrano Ordine Gerosolomitano of Malta, of S. Giovanni from Gerusalemme and of Rodi.
- Cacciola Collection:
It was bought in 1997 and it contains about 350 publications regarding Messina and Sicily in literature, art and folk history and culture.