Website Visitor Traffic and Usage Statistics
Report Period 

 From 10-01-2007 02:00
 To 10-31-2007 00:59


 29 days, 23 hours

 Unique Visitors323059
 Homepage Hits433523
 Total Web Site Hits24599293
 Bandwidth Used4.16 GB
 Most Popular Day10-08
Homepage Hits Average per day13984
Webpage Views Average per day793525
Unique Visitors Average per day10421

Daily Activity Graph

Daily Visitor Activity
dateweb site
キ 10-01-2007 1087391 20990  7.93 MB
キ 10-02-2007 1073155 15958 4796 6.67 MB
キ 10-03-2007 1069564 14648 6010 6.63 MB
キ 10-04-2007 1012082 13187 6550 5.99 MB
キ 10-05-2007 1006404 12562 6998 5.94 MB
キ 10-06-2007 465338 8833 4067 2.41 MB
キ 10-07-2007 424518 8437 3214 2.11 MB
キ 10-08-2007 1179595 13410 8322 6.78 MB
キ 10-09-2007 1124797 12669 8523 6.33 MB
キ 10-10-2007 1100285 11941 8595 6.04 MB
キ 10-11-2007 1031073 11527 8670 -4286830810 bytes
キ 10-12-2007 977750 10947 8798 5.88 MB
キ 10-13-2007 448647 7603 4667 2.27 MB
キ 10-14-2007 370294 7448 3722 1.56 MB
キ 10-15-2007 1088088 11505 9560 6.94 MB
キ 10-16-2007 1057245 11279 9729 7.54 MB
キ 10-17-2007 1036825 10780 9466 7.24 MB
キ 10-18-2007 1015706 10641 9764 6.63 MB
キ 10-19-2007 1012622 10232 9510 6.33 MB
キ 10-20-2007 493287 8018 5485 2.73 MB
キ 10-21-2007 354376 7506 4312 1.84 MB
キ 10-22-2007 1012049 10648 10038 6.19 MB
キ 10-23-2007 1003760 10136 9930 5.81 MB
キ 10-24-2007 997711 9949 10077 5.55 MB
キ 10-25-2007 970041 9628 10011 5.41 MB
キ 10-26-2007 950467 9415 10215 5.36 MB
キ 10-27-2007 438344 6661 5447 2.51 MB
キ 10-28-2007 360050 6695 4489 1.82 MB
キ 10-29-2007 1023409 10075 10946 7.12 MB
キ 10-30-2007 926704 9563 10695 7.64 MB
キ 10-31-2007 8311 168 446 53.46 KB

Last 20 Visitors
 computer name access time  10-31 00:59.49  10-31 00:59.44  10-31 00:59.28  10-31 00:59.28  10-31 00:59.26  10-31 00:59.22  10-31 00:59.00  10-31 00:58.46  10-31 00:58.37  10-31 00:58.27  10-31 00:58.16  10-31 00:58.02  10-31 00:58.00  10-31 00:57.42  10-31 00:57.19  10-31 00:57.11  10-31 00:57.10  10-31 00:56.59  10-31 00:56.59  10-31 00:56.59

File Requests Graph

File Requests
 filename downloads
 /index.asp 377264
 /bilancio/ansa_news/notizie.asp 346110
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 /sanita/default.asp 110495
 /lavoro/css/asslavoro.css 95807

File Types Graph

File Types
 file extensiontype downloads
 .GIF[graphics] (Graphics Interchange Format) 12365475
 .JPG[graphics] (Joint Photographics Experts Group) 5414512
 .ASP[document] (Active Server Page) 1869905
 .JS[document] (JavaScript source code) 1544032
 .HTM[document] (HyperText Markup Language) 1379099
 .PDF[document] (Portable Document Format) 804226
 .CSS[document] (Cascading Style Sheet) 600183
 .ICO[graphics] (Icon file) 455914
 .HTML[document] (HyperText Markup Language) 400732
 .ASPX 205474

Directories Graph

 directory hits
 /work/ 2606965
 /images/ 1984228
 / 1414923
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/immagini/ 1268554
 /lavoro/immagini/ 943584
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 /lavoro/js/ 474184
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/image/header/ 400242
 /bbccaa/pi/info/immagini/ 380465
 /bilancio/ansa_news/ 349957

Hours Graph

 time period hits
 12:00pm to  1:00pm 2704581
 11:00am to 12:00am 2680919
 10:00am to 11:00am 2475988
  9:00am to 10:00am 2166092
  1:00pm to  2:00pm 1891721
  4:00pm to  5:00pm 1818103
  5:00pm to  6:00pm 1788952
  6:00pm to  7:00pm 1543843
  3:00pm to  4:00pm 1506886
  7:00pm to  8:00pm 1252196
  2:00pm to  3:00pm 1194204
  8:00am to  9:00am 1114614
 time period hits
  8:00pm to  9:00pm 871276
  9:00pm to 10:00pm 735588
 10:00pm to 11:00pm 666571
 11:00pm to 12:00pm 508173
 12:00am to  1:00am 285064
  7:00am to  8:00am 279455
  1:00am to  2:00am 158944
  6:00am to  7:00am 116128
  2:00am to  3:00am 111782
  5:00am to  6:00am 83968
  3:00am to  4:00am 83246
  4:00am to  5:00am 81594

Days of the Week
 day hits
 Monday 5390532
 Tuesday 5185661
 Wednesday 4212696
 Thursday 4028902
 Friday 3947243
 Saturday 1845616
 Sunday 1509238
Weekend (12.8%), Weekdays (87.2%)

 month hits
 October 2007 26119888

Most Accessed Webpages Graph

Most Accessed Pages
 document views
 /index.asp 377270
 /bilancio/ansa_news/notizie.asp 346127
 /sanita/default.asp 110594
 /lavoro/index.asp 91542
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 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/admin/eventi_foto_bv.asp 28515
 /cerca.asp 27284
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/database/contatori/info/contatore.asp 25986
 /cdg/portale/vuoto.html 25245
 /bbccaa/pi/info/news.html 25165
 /famiglia/content/home/home.asp 25013
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/index.html 24871
 /famiglia/default.asp 24484
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 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/info/info.html 19534
 /turismo/web_turismo/index.htm 18914
 /uffici.asp 18474
 /agricolturaeforeste/index.htm 17484
 /banchedati.asp 16589
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/download.asp 15068
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/riserve/riserva.asp 14866
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/ricettivita/dettaglio.asp 14525
 /turismo/index.htm 14500
 /turismo/trasporti/codice+strada/codice.htm 14062
 /bbccaa/pi/index.htm 13928
 /news.asp 13326
 /_vti_inf.html 12704
 /lavoro/uffici/fp/index.htm 12304
 /notizieusp.asp 12186
 /bbccaa/index.htm 11917
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/info/concorsi/dt_architetto/interrogazioneammessiarchitetto.asp 11886
 /entilocali/index.htm 11407
 /cooperazione/edilizia/servizio+4s+insediamenti+abitativi.htm 11333
 /turismo/web_turismo/dipartimento/index.asp 11037
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/database/dipartimento/interframe.asp 10905
 /sanita/search_engine.asp 10866
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 /notiziebw.asp 10806
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/ricettivita/result_htl.asp 10723
 /turismo/web_turismo/dipartimento/risorse/bandi.asp 10572
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 /lavoro/uffici/lav/index.htm 8876
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/localita/comune_index.asp 8799

Top Entry Pages Graph
Top Entry Pages
 document entries
 /index.asp 62130
 /work/menu_array2.js 31604
 /favicon.ico 7852
 /sanita/default.asp 5759
 /turismo/trasporti/codice+strada/cds.css 4993
 /lavoro 4419
 /lavoro/css/asslavoro.css 4410
 /lavoro/index.asp 4114
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/index.htm 3223
 /presidenza/ull/gurs-concorsi-pdf.htm 2090
 /bbccaa/pi/info/immagini/info_01.gif 1974
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/immagini/fondo_righe.jpg 1959
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/info/immagini/info_01.gif 1892
 /turismo/index.htm 1876
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/localita/comune_index.asp 1777

Web Browser Graph

Web Browsers
 client browser type hits
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 15759233
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 6818804
 mozilla/5.0  2079364
 Microsoft Internet Explorer slurp 251437
 fast enterprise crawler 6 used by enel  119971
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 116497
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 102924
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 92677

Operating Systems
 system type hits
 windows nt 5.1 20319267
 windows nt 5.0 1195950
 windows nt 6.0 642258
 windows 98 592371 251437
 windows nt 5.2 65079
 windows nt 4.0 26406
 win32 15824
 mac_powerpc 13406
 aol 9.0 12241
 windows 95 5500
 windows ce 5109
 -20 4794
 -net clr 2.0.50727 4048
 tob 6.05 2426

Server Status Codes
 server response to client browser requests
 200: OK - Request completed 17214513
 304: Cached reload 6700508
 404: Object not found 1426674
 206: Unknown response 440889
 301: Object permanently moved 203137
 501: Required not supported 54928
 302: Object temporarily moved 40246
 406: No response acceptable to client found 16519
 403: Request forbidden 11312
 500: Internal server error 10177
 405: Method is not allowed 745
 400: Invalid syntax 219
 401: Access denied 15
 416: Unknown response 6

Broken Links Graph

Broken Links
 missing file (404 error) requests
 /favicon.ico 444595
 /bg.jpg 365972
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/webmail 53796
 /robots.txt 35754
 /inetpub/wwwroot/nuovo+look/spacer.gif 31371

Report generated on [ 01:25PM, Sun 12-23-2007 ]