Website Visitor Traffic and Usage Statistics
Report Period 

 From 05-01-2007 02:00
 To 06-01-2007 01:59


 30 days, 23 hours

 Unique Visitors360402
 Homepage Hits443339
 Total Web Site Hits25365418
 Bandwidth Used2.18 GB
 Most Popular Day05-15
Homepage Hits Average per day13854
Webpage Views Average per day792669
Unique Visitors Average per day11262

Daily Activity Graph

Daily Visitor Activity
dateweb site
キ 05-01-2007 388150 11175  1.64 MB
キ 05-02-2007 1064065 19776 2266 9.40 MB
キ 05-03-2007 999579 16048 5449 7.92 MB
キ 05-04-2007 972621 15304 6625 7.65 MB
キ 05-05-2007 542108 10360 4436 2.88 MB
キ 05-06-2007 441232 8933 3515 2.02 MB
キ 05-07-2007 1096886 15140 7911 8.14 MB
キ 05-08-2007 1054851 13832 8334 7.51 MB
キ 05-09-2007 952507 12847 8464 7.83 MB
キ 05-10-2007 937687 12346 8773 7.99 MB
キ 05-11-2007 907045 11847 8874 6.96 MB
キ 05-12-2007 482715 8267 5072 2.35 MB
キ 05-13-2007 452062 8340 4289 1.82 MB
キ 05-14-2007 1268867 18469 11586 8.18 MB
キ 05-15-2007 1450229 19613 14106 7.89 MB
キ 05-16-2007 1101407 13220 11789 7.35 MB
キ 05-17-2007 1041274 11988 11096 6.90 MB
キ 05-18-2007 998611 11005 10837 6.97 MB
キ 05-19-2007 515455 7567 6000 2.17 MB
キ 05-20-2007 410749 7275 4693 1.71 MB
キ 05-21-2007 1085086 11469 11417 7.35 MB
キ 05-22-2007 1011127 10699 11296 6.88 MB
キ 05-23-2007 962528 10049 10744 -2139500405 bytes
キ 05-24-2007 928354 9622 10736 6.34 MB
キ 05-25-2007 914993 9328 10760 6.75 MB
キ 05-26-2007 474681 7021 6244 2.35 MB
キ 05-27-2007 442480 7118 5151 1.89 MB
キ 05-28-2007 1093006 11505 12267 7.58 MB
キ 05-29-2007 1015002 10462 11866 6.64 MB
キ 05-30-2007 950045 9998 11397 6.60 MB
キ 05-31-2007 929924 9499 11398 5.58 MB
キ 06-01-2007 19410 280 956 51.79 KB

File Requests Graph

File Requests
 filename downloads
 /index.asp 406664
 /work/menu_array2.js 321156
 /work/mmenu2.js 318293
 /work/v2_newsticker_1.js 282871
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 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/css/base.css 95159

File Types Graph

File Types
 file extensiontype downloads
 .GIF[graphics] (Graphics Interchange Format) 13350848
 .JPG[graphics] (Joint Photographics Experts Group) 5386115
 .JS[document] (JavaScript source code) 1583829
 .HTM[document] (HyperText Markup Language) 1579229
 .ASP[document] (Active Server Page) 1548237
 .PDF[document] (Portable Document Format) 838814
 .CSS[document] (Cascading Style Sheet) 612905
 .HTML[document] (HyperText Markup Language) 472798
 .ICO[graphics] (Icon file) 412097
 .DOC[document] (Microsoft Office Word) 160121

Directories Graph

 directory hits
 /work/ 2754589
 /images/ 2304704
 / 1551451
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/immagini/ 1209265
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/image/header/ 948055
 /lavoro/immagini/ 730554
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/info/nuovipulsanti/immagini/ 630945
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/image/ 443794
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/image/home/ 404393
 /lavoro/js/ 395154

Hours Graph

 time period hits
 12:00pm to  1:00pm 2455792
 11:00am to 12:00am 2437660
 10:00am to 11:00am 2281819
  9:00am to 10:00am 1959610
  4:00pm to  5:00pm 1876519
  5:00pm to  6:00pm 1863518
  1:00pm to  2:00pm 1831921
  6:00pm to  7:00pm 1652628
  3:00pm to  4:00pm 1652495
  7:00pm to  8:00pm 1386992
  2:00pm to  3:00pm 1358452
  8:00am to  9:00am 1082692
 time period hits
  8:00pm to  9:00pm 1038272
  9:00pm to 10:00pm 913207
 10:00pm to 11:00pm 907421
 11:00pm to 12:00pm 674930
 12:00am to  1:00am 395436
  7:00am to  8:00am 327815
  1:00am to  2:00am 223838
  2:00am to  3:00am 138971
  6:00am to  7:00am 136164
  3:00am to  4:00am 107914
  5:00am to  6:00am 103412
  4:00am to  5:00am 97258

Days of the Week
 day hits
 Wednesday 5030552
 Tuesday 4919359
 Thursday 4836818
 Monday 4543845
 Friday 3812680
 Saturday 2014959
 Sunday 1746523
Weekend (14.0%), Weekdays (86.0%)

 month hits
 May 2007 26885326
 June 2007 19410

Most Accessed Webpages Graph

Most Accessed Pages
 document views
 /index.asp 406665
 /sanita/default.asp 90947
 /lavoro/index.asp 81849
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/admin/pubblicazioni_copertina_bv.asp 48658
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/navigatore_drpc.asp 39985
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/index.htm 36807
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/ricettivita/dettaglio.asp 33487
 /famiglia/content/home/home.asp 30014
 /famiglia/elettorale/index.htm 29837
 /turismo/web_turismo/index.htm 29324
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/ricettivita/result_htl.asp 29262
 /famiglia/default.asp 28824
 /cerca.asp 26876
 /sondaggio.asp 24867
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/admin/eventi_foto_bv.asp 24671
 /turismo/index.htm 23036
 /cdg/portale/vuoto.html 21325
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/database/contatori/info/contatore.asp 21135
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/index.html 20527
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/index.htm 19450
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/info/info.html 19207
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/download.asp 19108
 /bbccaa/pi/info/news.html 18479
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/riserve/riserva.asp 18459
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/ricettivita/dettaglio.asp 18452
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/index.asp 18409
 /uffici.asp 17538
 /turismo/trasporti/codice+strada/codice.htm 17206
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/menusx.htm 17130
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/int_drpc.htm 16930
 /banchedati.asp 16552
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/home.html 16256
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/localita/comune_index.asp 16087
 /agricolturaeforeste/index.htm 15653
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/localita/comune_index.asp 14749
 /entilocali/index.htm 13713
 /news.asp 12414
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/ricettivita/result_htl.asp 12372
 /lavoro/uffici/fp/index.htm 11665
 /presidenza/ull/gursconcorsi-intest.htm 11525
 /presidenza/ull/gazzette/xconc-pdf.htm 11524
 /presidenza/ull/gurs-concorsi-pdf.htm 11223
 /bbccaa/index.htm 10623
 /bbccaa/pi/index.htm 10117
 /bilancio/spesa/ecapitolo_u.asp 9769
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/es/ricettivita/dettaglio.asp 9382
 /lavoro/b@checa/index.htm 9322
 /turismo/trasporti/homefrm.htm 9003
 /_vti_inf.html 8684
 /presidenza/ufficiostampa/index.htm 8677

Top Entry Pages Graph
Top Entry Pages
 document entries
 /index.asp 82016
 /work/menu_array2.js 38828
 /favicon.ico 8366
 /famiglia/elettorale/index.htm 7093
 /turismo/trasporti/codice+strada/cds.css 6228
 /turismo/index.htm 5403
 /presidenza/ull/gurs-concorsi-pdf.htm 4412
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/index.htm 4304
 /sanita/default.asp 4091
 /lavoro 4058
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/ricettivita/dettaglio.asp 3897
 /lavoro/css/asslavoro.css 3649
 /lavoro/index.asp 3243
 /turismo 2736
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/localita/comune_index.asp 2735

Web Browser Graph

Web Browsers
 client browser type hits
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 16934849
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 5988929
 mozilla/5.0  2137550
 Microsoft Internet Explorer slurp 291114
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 183550
 fast enterprise crawler 6 used by enel  156440
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 138555
 msnbot/1.0  124567

Operating Systems
 system type hits
 windows nt 5.1 20493264
 windows nt 5.0 1508600
 windows 98 970219
 windows nt 6.0 294685 291117
 windows nt 5.2 64924
 windows nt 4.0 31204
 mac_powerpc 22192
 aol 9.0 19187
 win32 17597
 windows 95 8205
 windows ce 3166
 windows nt 2055
 america online browser 1.1 1588 1144

Server Status Codes
 server response to client browser requests
 200: OK - Request completed 15675552
 304: Cached reload 9024034
 404: Object not found 1461747
 206: Unknown response 415039
 301: Object permanently moved 205856
 302: Object temporarily moved 44937
 501: Required not supported 38774
 406: No response acceptable to client found 16053
 403: Request forbidden 13703
 500: Internal server error 8000
 405: Method is not allowed 729
 400: Invalid syntax 282
 401: Access denied 19
 416: Unknown response 11

Report generated on [ 05:28PM, Wed 03-26-2008 ]