Website Visitor Traffic and Usage Statistics
Report Period 

 From 01-02-2007 01:00
 To 02-01-2007 00:59


 29 days, 23 hours

 Unique Visitors321679
 Homepage Hits459838
 Total Web Site Hits24859835
 Bandwidth Used6.28 GB
 Most Popular Day01-10
Homepage Hits Average per day14833
Webpage Views Average per day801930
Unique Visitors Average per day10376

Daily Activity Graph

Daily Visitor Activity
dateweb site
キ 01-02-2007 809121 17310  6.47 MB
キ 01-03-2007 856295 14665 3352 -2138915141 bytes
キ 01-04-2007 806423 12950 4720 7.21 MB
キ 01-05-2007 804388 11448 5242 8.11 MB
キ 01-06-2007 413956 6917 2620 3.49 MB
キ 01-07-2007 406003 7205 2843 3.43 MB
キ 01-08-2007 1005202 13276 6735 18.31 MB
キ 01-09-2007 1041566 13628 7599 16.16 MB
キ 01-10-2007 1200333 14839 8412 15.45 MB
キ 01-11-2007 1093549 13335 8690 12.34 MB
キ 01-12-2007 1082873 12572 9018 11.96 MB
キ 01-13-2007 578407 9172 5193 4.14 MB
キ 01-14-2007 462803 8328 4119 3.05 MB
キ 01-15-2007 1183445 12757 9948 -2132326277 bytes
キ 01-16-2007 1089800 11877 9870 13.41 MB
キ 01-17-2007 1078395 11533 10270 13.10 MB
キ 01-18-2007 1006949 10670 10059 10.71 MB
キ 01-19-2007 977008 10081 9942 10.53 MB
キ 01-20-2007 495642 7245 5356 3.85 MB
キ 01-21-2007 429753 7005 4362 2.97 MB
キ 01-22-2007 1085476 10927 10891 12.33 MB
キ 01-23-2007 1071711 10420 11195 12.60 MB
キ 01-24-2007 1021129 10204 11363 12.43 MB
キ 01-25-2007 1047251 9862 11255 11.32 MB
キ 01-26-2007 997773 9643 11372 11.23 MB
キ 01-27-2007 535511 6787 6520 -2141808031 bytes
キ 01-28-2007 470246 6698 5281 3.20 MB
キ 01-29-2007 1152096 10441 12212 11.86 MB
キ 01-30-2007 1112212 9900 12063 11.13 MB
キ 01-31-2007 1047593 9804 11740 11.49 MB
キ 02-01-2007 11942 180 405 60.73 KB

File Requests Graph

File Requests
 filename downloads
 /index.asp 410580
 /work/menu_array2.js 360290
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 /work/logosmall.jpg 119403

File Types Graph

File Types
 file extensiontype downloads
 .GIF[graphics] (Graphics Interchange Format) 13114901
 .JPG[graphics] (Joint Photographics Experts Group) 5052004
 .JS[document] (JavaScript source code) 1732961
 .HTM[document] (HyperText Markup Language) 1583070
 .ASP[document] (Active Server Page) 1419545
 .PDF[document] (Portable Document Format) 780045
 .CSS[document] (Cascading Style Sheet) 606125
 .HTML[document] (HyperText Markup Language) 487757
 .ICO[graphics] (Icon file) 348794
 .DOC[document] (Microsoft Office Word) 196837

Directories Graph

 directory hits
 /work/ 3172331
 / 1946603
 /images/ 1835494
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/immagini/ 1229323
 /lavoro/immagini/ 837876
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 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/info/nuovipulsanti/immagini/ 624369
 /lavoro/js/ 470597
 /sanita/ 346231
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/image/ 310356

Hours Graph

 time period hits
 12:00pm to  1:00pm 2469442
 11:00am to 12:00am 2417949
 10:00am to 11:00am 2257646
  9:00am to 10:00am 1919204
  4:00pm to  5:00pm 1882666
  5:00pm to  6:00pm 1879617
  1:00pm to  2:00pm 1818302
  6:00pm to  7:00pm 1757686
  3:00pm to  4:00pm 1646220
  7:00pm to  8:00pm 1453779
  2:00pm to  3:00pm 1309872
  8:00pm to  9:00pm 1007828
 time period hits
  8:00am to  9:00am 998890
  9:00pm to 10:00pm 813359
 10:00pm to 11:00pm 789788
 11:00pm to 12:00pm 588688
 12:00am to  1:00am 356145
  7:00am to  8:00am 261222
  1:00am to  2:00am 196938
  2:00am to  3:00am 142966
  6:00am to  7:00am 122665
  3:00am to  4:00am 104918
  5:00am to  6:00am 95096
  4:00am to  5:00am 83965

Days of the Week
 day hits
 Wednesday 5203745
 Tuesday 5124410
 Monday 4426219
 Thursday 3966114
 Friday 3862042
 Saturday 2023516
 Sunday 1768805
Weekend (14.4%), Weekdays (85.6%)

 month hits
 January 2007 26362909
 February 2007 11942

Most Accessed Webpages Graph

Most Accessed Pages
 document views
 /index.asp 410580
 /sondaggio.asp 115793
 /lavoro/index.asp 89916
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/admin/pubblicazioni_copertina_bv.asp 45923
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/index.htm 41547
 /cerca.asp 31945
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/navigatore.asp 28758
 /turismo/web_turismo/index.htm 26881
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/ricettivita/dettaglio.asp 23090
 /sanita/index.htm 22741
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/index.html 22549
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/database/contatori/info/contatore.asp 22005
 /famiglia/content/home/home.asp 20956
 /famiglia/default.asp 20682
 /uffici.asp 19520
 /turismo/index.htm 19478
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/info/info.html 18879
 /turismo/trasporti/codice+strada/codice.htm 18697
 /bbccaa/pi/info/news.html 18660
 /agricolturaeforeste/index.htm 18271
 /banchedati.asp 18246
 /news.asp 17265
 /cdg/portale/vuoto.html 17048
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/ricettivita/result_htl.asp 16573
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/ricettivita/dettaglio.asp 16142
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/admin/eventi_foto_bv.asp 14943
 /tgweb/index.htm 14923
 /lavoro/uffici/fp/index.htm 14876
 /tgweb/bottom.htm 14643
 /presidenza/ull/gazzette/xconc-pdf.htm 14367
 /presidenza/ull/gursconcorsi-intest.htm 14322
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/riserve/riserva.asp 14234
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/menu.htm 13893
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/index.htm 13821
 /presidenza/ull/gurs-concorsi-pdf.htm 13739
 /bbccaa/index.htm 12431
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/index.asp 12330
 /_vti_inf.html 12027
 /bbccaa/pi/index.htm 10936
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/localita/comune_index.asp 10795
 /lavoro/uffici/agimp/index.htm 10702
 /turismo/web_turismo/dipartimento/index.asp 10612
 /lavoro/b@checa/index.htm 10596
 /entilocali/index.htm 10201
 /lavoripubblici/default.htm 10036
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/ricettivita/result_htl.asp 9964
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/home.html 9941
 /bilancio/spesa/ecapitolo_u.asp 9901
 /turismo/trasporti/homefrm.htm 9868
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/es/ricettivita/dettaglio.asp 9621

Top Entry Pages Graph
Top Entry Pages
 document entries
 /index.asp 84236
 /work/menu_array2.js 39091
 /turismo/trasporti/codice+strada/cds.css 6512
 /favicon.ico 6319
 /presidenza/ull/gurs-concorsi-pdf.htm 5634
 /sondaggio.asp 5482
 /lavoro 4780
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/index.htm 4488
 /lavoro/css/asslavoro.css 4327
 /turismo/index.htm 4102
 /lavoro/index.asp 3586
 /sanita/sfondo00073.gif 2800
 /sanita/index.htm 2702
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/localita/comune_index.asp 2680
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/info/immagini/info_01.gif 2308

Web Browser Graph

Web Browsers
 client browser type hits
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 18957138
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 3607656
 mozilla/5.0  1810957
 fast enterprise crawler 6 used by enel  330853
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 214437
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 167007
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 141582
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 138399

Operating Systems
 system type hits
 windows nt 5.1 19957488
 windows nt 5.0 1762387
 windows 98 1192742 75320
 windows nt 5.2 74563
 windows nt 4.0 62652
 mac_powerpc 35994
 windows 95 31126
 aol 9.0 20963
 win32 13002 12854
 windows xp 5.1 8676
 windows nt 6.0 6320
 windows ce 4302
 windows nt 3493

Report generated on [ 09:14AM, Mon 01-28-2008 ]