Website Visitor Traffic and Usage Statistics
Report Period 

 From 11-01-2006 01:00
 To 12-01-2006 00:59


 29 days, 23 hours

 Unique Visitors271742
 Homepage Hits385083
 Total Web Site Hits20872388
 Bandwidth Used4.18 GB
 Most Popular Day11-30
Homepage Hits Average per day12422
Webpage Views Average per day673302
Unique Visitors Average per day8765

Daily Activity Graph

Daily Visitor Activity
dateweb site
キ 11-01-2006 342933 9706  2.70 MB
キ 11-02-2006 788808 14897 1767 6.96 MB
キ 11-03-2006 812244 12708 4113 7.90 MB
キ 11-04-2006 414332 7456 2905 4.00 MB
キ 11-05-2006 293126 6253 2450 -2144437102 bytes
キ 11-06-2006 886066 12112 5693 8.00 MB
キ 11-07-2006 918359 11330 6430 8.30 MB
キ 11-08-2006 910236 10917 6813 8.20 MB
キ 11-09-2006 837610 10111 6981 7.33 MB
キ 11-10-2006 853299 9726 7163 7.96 MB
キ 11-11-2006 402028 6609 3940 3.55 MB
キ 11-12-2006 327820 6372 3183 2.67 MB
キ 11-13-2006 921040 10410 8310 8.08 MB
キ 11-14-2006 898929 9762 8107 7.33 MB
キ 11-15-2006 870170 9509 8520 -2138434982 bytes
キ 11-16-2006 848816 9676 8446 7.45 MB
キ 11-17-2006 872723 9727 8858 7.18 MB
キ 11-18-2006 441993 6715 5019 2.67 MB
キ 11-19-2006 388411 6246 4036 2.23 MB
キ 11-20-2006 962294 10106 9637 8.56 MB
キ 11-21-2006 930675 9310 9521 6.81 MB
キ 11-22-2006 936168 9426 9592 7.21 MB
キ 11-23-2006 875783 8612 9298 7.14 MB
キ 11-24-2006 858820 8664 9599 6.98 MB
キ 11-25-2006 417353 5846 5216 2.56 MB
キ 11-26-2006 343138 5509 4118 1.83 MB
キ 11-27-2006 930201 8735 10305 7.71 MB
キ 11-28-2006 950816 8878 10368 6.78 MB
キ 11-29-2006 902604 8111 10104 7.36 MB
キ 11-30-2006 989246 8175 10267 7.51 MB
キ 12-01-2006 10844 128 280 51.14 KB

Last 20 Visitors
 computer name access time  12-01 00:59.56  12-01 00:59.45  12-01 00:59.06  12-01 00:58.41  12-01 00:58.20  12-01 00:58.11  12-01 00:58.07  12-01 00:57.49  12-01 00:57.31  12-01 00:57.24  12-01 00:57.24  12-01 00:57.03  12-01 00:56.39  12-01 00:56.28  12-01 00:56.27  12-01 00:56.07  12-01 00:55.53  12-01 00:55.41  12-01 00:55.36  12-01 00:55.36

Hostnames Graph

 computer name hits 293574 288661 266194 155866 89652 77000 69858 63104 61038 52464

File Requests Graph

File Requests
 filename downloads
 /index.asp 337985
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 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/admin/pubblicazioni_copertina_bv.asp 87819

Directories Graph

 directory hits
 /work/ 2484194
 / 1471721
 /images/ 1215096
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/immagini/ 1201127
 /lavoro/immagini/ 799209
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 /lavoro/js/ 440404
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/image/header/ 412715
 /bbccaa/pi/immagini/immagini2/ 304981
 /bbccaa/pi/info/immagini/ 302475

Hours Graph

 time period hits
 12:00pm to  1:00pm 2166213
 11:00am to 12:00am 2135066
 10:00am to 11:00am 2006694
  9:00am to 10:00am 1742361
  5:00pm to  6:00pm 1560901
  1:00pm to  2:00pm 1556512
  4:00pm to  5:00pm 1554461
  6:00pm to  7:00pm 1426028
  3:00pm to  4:00pm 1362106
  7:00pm to  8:00pm 1176020
  2:00pm to  3:00pm 1030282
  8:00am to  9:00am 915699
 time period hits
  8:00pm to  9:00pm 783020
  9:00pm to 10:00pm 633328
 10:00pm to 11:00pm 570307
 11:00pm to 12:00pm 423661
 12:00am to  1:00am 257141
  7:00am to  8:00am 232537
  1:00am to  2:00am 156300
  2:00am to  3:00am 113741
  6:00am to  7:00am 101434
  5:00am to  6:00am 79592
  3:00am to  4:00am 77913
  4:00am to  5:00am 75568

Days of the Week
 day hits
 Thursday 4340263
 Wednesday 3962111
 Monday 3699601
 Tuesday 3698779
 Friday 3407930
 Saturday 1675706
 Sunday 1352495
Weekend (13.7%), Weekdays (86.3%)

 month hits
 November 2006 22126041
 December 2006 10844

Most Accessed Webpages Graph

Most Accessed Pages
 document views
 /index.asp 337986
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/admin/pubblicazioni_copertina_bv.asp 87930
 /lavoro/index.asp 82784
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 /uffici.asp 17703
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 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/riserve/riserva.asp 17219
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 /sanita/index.htm 16328
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/info/info.html 16144
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 /_vti_inf.html 14281
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 /turismo/index.htm 13536
 /turismo/trasporti/codice+strada/codice.htm 12444
 /bbccaa/pi/index.htm 12335
 /presidenza/ull/gazzette/xconc-pdf.htm 12124
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/navigatore.htm 11887
 /presidenza/ull/gursconcorsi-intest.htm 11794
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/ricettivita/result_htl.asp 11749
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/es/ricettivita/dettaglio.asp 11349
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 /lavoro/uffici/fp/index.htm 10638
 /lavoro/uffici/agimp/index.htm 10242
 /bbccaa/index.htm 10004
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 /presidenza/protezionecivile/navigatore.asp 9241
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/index.asp 9005
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 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/index.htm 8859
 /lavoro/uffici/lav/index.htm 8789
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/localita/comune_index.asp 8266
 /turismo/trasporti/homefrm.htm 8043
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/ricettivita/result_htl.asp 7928
 /mappa.asp 7640
 /lavoro/uffici/gabinett/circol/index.htm 7505
 /bilancio/spesa/ecapitolo_u.asp 7413
 /turismo/trasporti/index.htm 7351

Top Entry Pages Graph
Top Entry Pages
 document entries
 /index.asp 68826
 /work/menu_array2.js 21980
 /presidenza/ull/gurs-concorsi-pdf.htm 5374
 /lavoro 4536
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 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/index.htm 3766
 /turismo/trasporti/codice+strada/cds.css 3705
 /lavoro/index.asp 3301
 /favicon.ico 3078
 /turismo/index.htm 2152

Web Browser Graph

Web Browsers
 client browser type hits
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 18655337
 mozilla/5.0  1253945
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 351111
 fast enterprise crawler 6 used by enel  266194
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 222672

Operating Systems
 system type hits
 windows nt 5.1 16592673
 windows nt 5.0 1626756
 windows 98 1236756
 windows nt 5.2 65503 64547
 windows nt 4.0 48417
 mac_powerpc 32836
 windows 95 24612
 aol 9.0 16875
 win32 10889 8285
 windows xp 5.1 6721
 windows nt 4508
 windows nt 6.0 1927
 windows ce 1781

Server Status Codes
 server response to client browser requests
 200: OK - Request completed 12225090
 304: Cached reload 8051431
 404: Object not found 1129568
 206: Unknown response 380627
 301: Object permanently moved 201118
 406: No response acceptable to client found 60542
 501: Required not supported 55708
 302: Object temporarily moved 14122
 403: Request forbidden 10559
 500: Internal server error 7249
 405: Method is not allowed 740
 400: Invalid syntax 92
 401: Access denied 27
 416: Unknown response 12

Broken Links Graph

Broken Links
 missing file (404 error) requests
 /bg.jpg 321973
 /favicon.ico 263035
 /scripts/count.exe 39550
 /inetpub/wwwroot/nuovo+look/spacer.gif 31452
 /robots.txt 26504
 /presidenza/ull/gazzette/xconc_file/frecspir.gif 25972

Report generated on [ 11:03PM, Sun 12-23-2007 ]