Website Visitor Traffic and Usage Statistics
Report Period 

 From 09-01-2006 02:00
 To 10-01-2006 01:59


 29 days, 23 hours

 Unique Visitors253981
 Homepage Hits353088
 Total Web Site Hits21197689
 Bandwidth Used2.34 GB
 Most Popular Day09-18
Homepage Hits Average per day11389
Webpage Views Average per day683796
Unique Visitors Average per day8192

Daily Activity Graph

Daily Visitor Activity
dateweb site
キ 09-01-2006 796870 14560  13.22 MB
キ 09-02-2006 371254 7445 1111 4.83 MB
キ 09-03-2006 321840 6280 1131 3.51 MB
キ 09-04-2006 947179 13653 3391 13.79 MB
キ 09-05-2006 897305 11641 4632 12.18 MB
キ 09-06-2006 889919 10677 5070 11.41 MB
キ 09-07-2006 843571 10040 5488 11.24 MB
キ 09-08-2006 808145 9758 5660 13.65 MB
キ 09-09-2006 397725 6273 3058 5.53 MB
キ 09-10-2006 157397 2840 1684 1.80 MB
キ 09-11-2006 944182 9865 6594 14.78 MB
キ 09-12-2006 1003861 10306 7445 16.28 MB
キ 09-13-2006 956227 9833 7519 16.49 MB
キ 09-14-2006 915267 9710 7714 13.89 MB
キ 09-15-2006 941322 9525 7888 17.02 MB
キ 09-16-2006 455799 6271 4230 6.36 MB
キ 09-17-2006 358147 5840 3412 4.47 MB
キ 09-18-2006 1034131 9908 8811 17.02 MB
キ 09-19-2006 934976 9408 8789 14.86 MB
キ 09-20-2006 896560 8749 8554 13.24 MB
キ 09-21-2006 880489 8703 8843 13.48 MB
キ 09-22-2006 895056 8133 8767 15.34 MB
キ 09-23-2006 178349 1930 2492 2.55 MB
キ 09-24-2006 338036 5284 3586 3.91 MB
キ 09-25-2006 1012039 9764 9781 16.77 MB
キ 09-26-2006 1002564 8786 9879 14.43 MB
キ 09-27-2006 976345 8231 9726 -2130175088 bytes
キ 09-28-2006 951417 7671 9678 14.01 MB
キ 09-29-2006 930325 7466 9466 17.19 MB
キ 09-30-2006 449867 5244 5417 7.08 MB
キ 10-01-2006 13858 187 342 184.08 KB

File Requests Graph

File Requests
 filename downloads
 /index.asp 311217
 /work/menu_array2.js 264107
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 /lavoro/js/lib_bwcheck.js 97840

File Types Graph

File Types
 file extensiontype downloads
 .GIF[graphics] (Graphics Interchange Format) 11212682
 .JPG[graphics] (Joint Photographics Experts Group) 3943155
 .HTM[document] (HyperText Markup Language) 1598398
 .JS[document] (JavaScript source code) 1494986
 .ASP[document] (Active Server Page) 1104441
 .PDF[document] (Portable Document Format) 665999
 .CSS[document] (Cascading Style Sheet) 626252
 .HTML[document] (HyperText Markup Language) 488322
 .ICO[graphics] (Icon file) 206685
 .EXE[program] (Executable file) 201354

Directories Graph

 directory hits
 /work/ 2293331
 / 1332590
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/immagini/ 1132909
 /images/ 1121386
 /lavoro/immagini/ 962306
 /presidenza/ull/ 524999
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/image/header/ 520750
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/info/nuovipulsanti/immagini/ 508774
 /lavoro/js/ 491071
 /presidenza/ull/gazzette/ 460798

Hours Graph

 time period hits
 11:00am to 12:00am 2328251
 12:00pm to  1:00pm 2319438
 10:00am to 11:00am 2152696
  9:00am to 10:00am 1772114
  1:00pm to  2:00pm 1641480
  4:00pm to  5:00pm 1578089
  5:00pm to  6:00pm 1555515
  3:00pm to  4:00pm 1355185
  6:00pm to  7:00pm 1324027
  2:00pm to  3:00pm 1086124
  7:00pm to  8:00pm 1039694
  8:00am to  9:00am 903252
 time period hits
  8:00pm to  9:00pm 693547
  9:00pm to 10:00pm 607579
 10:00pm to 11:00pm 599516
 11:00pm to 12:00pm 452298
 12:00am to  1:00am 285207
  7:00am to  8:00am 226363
  1:00am to  2:00am 157670
  2:00am to  3:00am 106551
  3:00am to  4:00am 89912
  6:00am to  7:00am 88299
  5:00am to  6:00am 69204
  4:00am to  5:00am 68011

Days of the Week
 day hits
 Friday 4371718
 Monday 3937531
 Tuesday 3838706
 Wednesday 3719051
 Thursday 3590744
 Saturday 1852994
 Sunday 1189278
Weekend (13.5%), Weekdays (86.5%)

 month hits
 September 2006 22486164
 October 2006 13858

Most Accessed Webpages Graph

Most Accessed Pages
 document views
 /index.asp 311217
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/admin/pubblicazioni_copertina_bv.asp 86290
 /lavoro/index.asp 85172
 /presidenza/ull/gazzette/xgurs.htm 47808
 /presidenza/ull/gurs1-ric-intest.htm 46770
 /presidenza/ull/indicep1.htm 46448
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/index.htm 34256
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/admin/eventi_foto_bv.asp 30646
 /presidenza/ull/gursconcorsi-intest.htm 30601
 /presidenza/ull/gazzette/xconc-pdf.htm 25523
 /cerca.asp 25476
 /presidenza/ull/gurs-concorsi-pdf.htm 24305
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/ricettivita/dettaglio.asp 23074
 /turismo/web_turismo/index.htm 21094
 /famiglia/content/home/home.asp 20752
 /famiglia/default.asp 20461
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/database/contatori/info/contatore.asp 17249
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/index.html 17034
 /turismo/trasporti/codice+strada/codice.htm 16002
 /uffici.asp 15978
 /agricolturaeforeste/index.htm 15811
 /banchedati.asp 15765
 /beniculturali/dirbenicult/info/info.html 14974
 /turismo/index.htm 14864
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/ricettivita/result_htl.asp 14821
 /bbccaa/pi/info/news.html 14752
 /sanita/index.htm 14201
 /_vti_inf.html 13435
 /news.asp 13342
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/menu.htm 13246
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/riserve/riserva.asp 13081
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/navigatore.htm 13032
 /lavoro/uffici/fp/index.htm 12930
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/index.asp 12069
 /presidenza/protezionecivile/index.asp 11587
 /presidenza/ull/gazzette/xconc.htm 11070
 /giunta.asp 11039
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/index.htm 11001
 /cdg/portale/vuoto.html 10758
 /lavoro/uffici/agimp/index.htm 10692
 /presidenza/ull/gurs-concorsi.htm 10689
 /lavoro/b@checa/index.htm 10674
 /bbccaa/index.htm 10514
 /lavoro/uffici/lav/index.htm 9826
 /presidenza/ull/gazzette/g06-42/g06-42.html 9335
 /entilocali/index.htm 9326
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/ricettivita/dettaglio.asp 9203
 /bbccaa/pi/index.htm 9157
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/it/localita/comune_index.asp 9116
 /presidenza/ull/gazzette/g06-41/g06-41.html 8791

Top Entry Pages Graph
Top Entry Pages
 document entries
 /index.asp 34008
 /work/menu_array2.js 17422
 /turismo/trasporti/codice+strada/cds.css 3734
 /lavoro 2441
 /presidenza/ull/gurs-concorsi-pdf.htm 2362
 /lavoro/css/asslavoro.css 2352
 /agricolturaeforeste/assessorato/index.htm 1889
 /turismo/index.htm 1756
 /lavoro/index.asp 1640
 /presidenza/ull/gazzette/sfondo1.gif 1558
 /favicon.ico 1408
 /agricolturaeforeste/azforeste/index.asp 1400
 /turismo/web_turismo/sicilia/uk/localita/comune_index.asp 1291
 /presidenza/ull/indicep1.htm 1085
 /turismo 1079

Web Browser Graph

Web Browsers
 client browser type hits
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 19386712
 mozilla/5.0  1128514
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 315567
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 219874
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 162390
 fast enterprise crawler 6 used by enel  159970
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 151338
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0x 138993

Operating Systems
 system type hits
 windows nt 5.1 16655577
 windows nt 5.0 1931271
 windows 98 1553204
 windows nt 5.2 64837
 windows nt 4.0 62341 35887
 mac_powerpc 35200
 windows 95 32598
 aol 9.0 18317
 win32 11931 11162
 windows nt 6073
 windows xp 5.1 5512
 windows ce 2444
 auto 1920

Server Status Codes
 server response to client browser requests
 200: OK - Request completed 12698119
 304: Cached reload 7892584
 404: Object not found 1228089
 206: Unknown response 400066
 301: Object permanently moved 192303
 501: Required not supported 48736
 302: Object temporarily moved 14617
 406: No response acceptable to client found 10177
 500: Internal server error 7714
 403: Request forbidden 6542
 405: Method is not allowed 848
 416: Unknown response 140
 400: Invalid syntax 57
 401: Access denied 30

Report generated on [ 03:52PM, Sun 02-10-2008 ]