Website Visitor Traffic and Usage Statistics
Report Period  

 From 07-01-2005 00:00
 To 07-31-2005 23:58


 30 days, 23 hrs, 58 mins

 Unique Visitors109
 Homepage Hits2294
 Total Webpage Hits272046
 Bytes Transferred465 MB
 Most Popular Day07-26
Average Homepage Hits per day74
Average Webpage Views per day8775
Average Unique Visitors per day3

Daily Activity Graph
Daily Visitor Activity
 date webpage hits  unique  bandwidth
· 07-01-2005  9091  13 11 MB
· 07-02-2005  5339  0 6 MB
· 07-03-2005  4466  0 2 MB
· 07-04-2005  10911  8 12 MB
· 07-05-2005  12537  5 15 MB
· 07-06-2005  12251  9 63 MB
· 07-07-2005  11069  8 17 MB
· 07-08-2005  9597  4 18 MB
· 07-09-2005  4790  0 3 MB
· 07-10-2005  4293  0 4 MB
· 07-11-2005  12470  7 33 MB
· 07-12-2005  10899  1 19 MB
· 07-13-2005  11445  10 13 MB
· 07-14-2005  11505  8 24 MB
· 07-15-2005  8564  0 20 MB
· 07-16-2005  4537  0 4 MB
· 07-17-2005  4211  0 3 MB
· 07-18-2005  11594  7 19 MB
· 07-19-2005  10936  3 14 MB
· 07-20-2005  11089  4 23 MB
· 07-21-2005  11746  2 16 MB
· 07-22-2005  9493  2 12 MB
· 07-23-2005  4779  0 6 MB
· 07-24-2005  4026  0 3 MB
· 07-25-2005  11627  5 12 MB
· 07-26-2005  12594  3 17 MB
· 07-27-2005  10685  2 26 MB
· 07-28-2005  10847  4 16 MB
· 07-29-2005  8624  4 9 MB
· 07-30-2005  4948  0 5 MB
· 07-31-2005  4848  0 3 MB

File Requests Graph
File Requests
 filename downloads
 /b@checa/offerte/vedioff.asp 29498
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 /b@checa/annunci/cercaannunci.asp 7350
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 /b@checa/sediuffici/qsediresp.asp 5239
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 /b@checa/corsi/04/mandati04.aspx 1248
 /b@checa/notizie/cercanotizie.asp 1242

File Types Graph
File Types
 file extensiontype downloads
 .ASP[document] (Active Server Page) 178666
 .EXE[program] (Executable file) 24499
 .GIF[graphics] (Graphics Interchange Format) 9448
 .ASPX 7877
 .HTM[document] (HyperText Markup Language) 6597
 .DLL[program] (Dynamic Linked Library) 5744
 .DOC[document] (Microsoft Office Word) 4132
 .PDF[document] (Portable Document Format) 4130
 .JS[document] (JavaScript source code) 2975
 .JPG[graphics] (Joint Photographics Experts Group) 1329

Directories Graph
 directory hits
 /b@checa/offerte/ 96067
 /b@checa/annunci/ 35007
 /b@checa/ 34457
 /_vti_bin/ 27911
 / 16126
 /errori/ 10306
 /b@checa/sediuffici/ 8231
 /immagini/ 7142
 /b@checa/corsi/04/ 6373
 /uffici/fp/2005/ 6176

 time period hits
  9:00AM - 10:00AM 25572
  8:00AM -  9:00AM 24276
 10:00AM - 11:00AM 23870
  7:00AM -  8:00AM 20928
  2:00PM -  3:00PM 19336
  3:00PM -  4:00PM 16863
 11:00AM - 12:00AM 16593
  4:00PM -  5:00PM 15676
  1:00PM -  2:00PM 15331
  5:00PM -  6:00PM 13312
 12:00AM -  1:00PM 13049
  6:00AM -  7:00AM 10272
 time period hits
  6:00PM -  7:00PM 9159
  3:00AM -  4:00AM 8603
  8:00PM -  9:00PM 8155
  7:00PM -  8:00PM 8148
  9:00PM - 10:00PM 6626
 10:00PM - 11:00PM 5064
  5:00AM -  6:00AM 4211
 11:00PM - 12:00PM 2914
  4:00AM -  5:00AM 2624
 12:00PM -  1:00AM 2085
  1:00AM -  2:00AM 1671
  2:00AM -  3:00AM 1473
 time period hits
 12:00PM -  1:00AM 1

Days of the Week
 day hits
 Tuesday 45182
 Monday 44865
 Wednesday 43477
 Thursday 43350
 Friday 43300
 Saturday 23002
 Sunday 20496
Weekend (16.5%), Weekdays (83.5%)

 month hits
 July 2005 275811

Most Accessed Webpages Graph
Most Accessed Pages
 document views
 /b@checa/offerte/vedioff.asp 29510
 /b@checa/offerte/cercaofferte.asp 25407
 /b@checa/index.asp 23898
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 /b@checa/annunci/cercaannunci.asp 7350
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 /b@checa/sediuffici/qsediresp.asp 5239
 /b@checa/offerte/elemostv.asp 4540
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 /b@checa/annunci/elesameuser.asp 1191
 /b@checa/notizie/elenotizie.asp 1172
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 /b@checa/annunci/login.asp 802
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 /b@checa/annunci/menugest.asp 484
 /b@checa/notizie/vedinotizia.asp 443
 /b@checa/annunci/registra.asp 322
 /b@checa/annunci/insannuncio.asp 263
 /b@checa/annunci/vedimodielann.asp 243
 /uffici/rubrica/qsediele.asp 226
 /b@checa/l309704/nindex.htm 208
 /msoffice/cltreq.asp 205
 /b@checa/docum/buoniesempi04/index.htm 170
 /b@checa/offerte/insofferta.asp 150
 /b@checa/offerte/menugest.asp 141
 /b@checa/docum/notelegali.htm 138
 /b@checa/offerte/login.htm 111
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 /b@checa/annunci/updann.asp 98
 /b@checa/l309704/vedidati.asp 96
 /riservata/index.htm 92
 /riservata/lavoro/cantieri/bdcantieri/index.htm 81
 /b@checa/annunci/regok.htm 67
 /b@checa/annunci/regno.asp 66
 /b@checa/index.htm 64
 /index.htm 63
 /riservata/lavoro/cantieri/index.htm 60
 /riservata/lavoro/cantieri/bdcantieri/cantiere.htm 57
 /riservata/lavoro/cantieri/decentramento/index.htm 55
 /b@checa/offerte/vedimodi.asp 53
 /_vti_inf.html 45
 /uffici/agimp/index.htm 42
 /b@checa/annunci/updreg.asp 40
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 /uffici/agimp/emblema.htm 27
 /b@checa/docum/buoniesempi04/buoni+esempi_it+-+obiettivo+1.htm 25
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 /b@checa/notizie/menugest.asp 23
 /b@checa/annunci/insannok.htm 22
 /uffici/crpaldir/docum/index.htm 22
 /b@checa/annunci/preview.htm 21
 /uffici/gabinett/l30/circ308.htm 20
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 /uffici/crpaldir/orienta99/index.htm 18
 /b@checa/annunci/logout.htm 18
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 /uffici/crpaldir/orienta/index.htm 16
 /uffici/crpaldir/orienta/s1fpue.htm 15
 /uffici/agimp/hand/cope01.htm 15

Top Extry Pages Graph
Top Entry Pages
 document exits
 /b@checa/index.asp 98
 /uffici/fp/2005/index.htm 21
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 /riservata 7
 /js/chstile.js 5
 /b@checa/offerte/insofferta.asp 5
 /riservata/lavoro/cantieri/bdcantieri/ 4
 /b@checa/sediuffici/qsediele.asp 4

Top Exiting Pages Graph
Top Exit Pages
 document exits
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 /b@checa/offerte/eleofferte.asp 7
 /b@checa/offerte/elemostv.asp 6
 /js/cookielib.js 6

Referer URL Graph
Referring Sites
 website URL clicks
 mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+msie+6.0;+windows+nt+5.1;+sv1) 57166
 mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+msie+6.0;+windows+nt+5.1) 34108
 mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+msie+6.0;+windows+nt+5.1;+sv1; 18795
 microsoft-webdav-miniredir/5.1.2600 17185
 mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+msie+6.0;+windows+98) 11912
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 msfrontpage/4.0 5860
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 tcl+http+client+package+2.4 4084
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 mozilla/4.0 1254
 mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+msie+6.0;+windows+nt+5.1;+sv1;+snprtz|dialno) 1125
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 mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+msie+6.0;+windows+nt+5.1;+sv1;+media+center+pc+3.0; 986
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 mozilla/5.0+(windows;+u;+windows+nt+5.1;+it-it;+rv:1.7.5)+gecko/20041110+firefox/1.0 803

Server Status Codes
 server response to client browser requests
 200: OK - Request completed 218347
 304: Cached reload 27225
 207: Unknown response 16164
 302: Object temporarily moved 10040
 401: Access denied 1729
 404: Object not found 1033
 500: Internal server error 778
 206: Unknown response 270
 403: Request forbidden 99
 400: Invalid syntax 80
 406: No response acceptable to client found 16
 502: Error response received from gateway 6
 405: Method is not allowed 4 Unknown response 1

Broken Links Graph
Broken Links
 missing file (404 error) requests
 /c 25909
 /b@checa/desktop.ini 457
 /b@checa/target.lnk 227
 /uffici/desktop.ini 46
 /b@checa/folder.jpg 44

Authenticated Logons
 username hits
 ospite 1430
 rsasslav\renato 71
 nuovo 7
 patricia 3
 palazzolo 3
 associazione 2