Statistiche di accesso ed utilizzo: Febbraio 2004
Report Period  

 From 01-02-2004
 To 29-02-2004


 29 days

 Unique Visitors 16526
 Homepage Hits2205
 Total Webpage Hits276144
 Bytes Transferred560 MB
 Most Popular Day02-09
Average Webpage Views per day9522

Daily Activity Graph
Daily Visitor Activity
 date webpage hits  bandwidth
· 02-01-2004  5501  10 MB
· 02-02-2004  13318  31 MB
· 02-03-2004  12447  27 MB
· 02-04-2004  12493  33 MB
· 02-05-2004  11137  24 MB
· 02-06-2004  10187  18 MB
· 02-07-2004  5400  12 MB
· 02-08-2004  4440  9 MB
· 02-09-2004  14358  33 MB
· 02-10-2004  12406  28 MB
· 02-11-2004  11849  22 MB
· 02-12-2004  11395  26 MB
· 02-13-2004  10401  15 MB
· 02-14-2004  5657  11 MB
· 02-15-2004  4985  6 MB
· 02-16-2004  11685  24 MB
· 02-17-2004  11428  21 MB
· 02-18-2004  11504  41 MB
· 02-19-2004  11217  19 MB
· 02-20-2004  9583  15 MB
· 02-21-2004  5803  9 MB
· 02-22-2004  4849  6 MB
· 02-23-2004  11745  14 MB
· 02-24-2004  10485  17 MB
· 02-25-2004  11548  20 MB
· 02-26-2004  10876  17 MB
· 02-27-2004  11302  16 MB
· 02-28-2004  6384  15 MB
· 02-29-2004  5002  8 MB

File Requests Graph
File Requests
 filename downloads
 /_vti_bin/fpcount.exe 31795
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 /b@checa/offerte/cercaofferte.asp 30927
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 /b@checa/corsi/04/corsiprof04.aspx 22236
 /b@checa/annunci/eleannunci.asp 21645
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 /b@checa/annunci/cercaannunci.asp 9739
 /b@checa/offerte/eleoffinscad.asp 6461
 /b@checa/offerte/elemostv.asp 5761
 /b@checa/corsi/04/sedientiricacc03.aspx 5206
 /b@checa/notizie/elenotizie.asp 4405
 /b@checa/annunci/elelastannunci.asp 3982
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 /b@checa/annunci/elesameuser.asp 1361
 /b@checa/imagesb/new.gif 1160
 /b@checa/imagesb/tab.jpg 1158

File Types Graph
File Types
 file extensiontype downloads
 .ASP[document] (Active Server Page) 195455
 .EXE[program] (Executable file) 31795
 .ASPX 31344
 .DLL[program] (Dynamic Linked Library) 3478
 .GIF[graphics] (Graphics Interchange Format) 3468
 .DOC[document] (Microsoft Office Word) 1703
 .JPG[graphics] (Joint Photographics Experts Group) 1161
 .HTM[document] (HyperText Markup Language) 901
 .PDF[document] (Portable Document Format) 184
 .HTML[document] (HyperText Markup Language) 46

Directories Graph
 directory hits
 /b@checa/offerte/ 105082
 /b@checa/annunci/ 44978
 /b@checa/ 34954
 /_vti_bin/ 33843
 /b@checa/corsi/04/ 31397
 /b@checa/notizie/ 10902
 / 5347
 /b@checa/imagesb/ 2318
 /immagini/ 2290
 /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/ 1430

 time period hits
 10:00AM - 11:00AM 28324
 11:00AM - 12:00AM 26799
  9:00AM - 10:00AM 24136
  3:00PM -  4:00PM 20440
  8:00AM -  9:00AM 20268
  4:00PM -  5:00PM 19776
  5:00PM -  6:00PM 18129
  6:00PM -  7:00PM 17277
  2:00PM -  3:00PM 16973
 12:00AM -  1:00PM 16682
  1:00PM -  2:00PM 14297
  7:00PM -  8:00PM 10194
 time period hits
  8:00PM -  9:00PM 9156
  7:00AM -  8:00AM 8741
  9:00PM - 10:00PM 8116
 10:00PM - 11:00PM 6923
 11:00PM - 12:00PM 4419
  6:00AM -  7:00AM 2333
 12:00PM -  1:00AM 2123
  4:00AM -  5:00AM 1738
  1:00AM -  2:00AM 965
  5:00AM -  6:00AM 586
  2:00AM -  3:00AM 519
  3:00AM -  4:00AM 471
 time period hits
 12:00PM -  1:00AM 1

Days of the Week
 day  hits
 Monday  50391
 Wednesday  46538
 Tuesday  46093
 Thursday  43884
 Friday  40735
 Sunday  24245
 Saturday  22841
Weekend (17.1%), Weekdays (82.9%)

 month hits
 February 2004 279385

Most Accessed Webpages Graph
Most Accessed Pages
 document views
 /b@checa/index.asp 31538
 /b@checa/offerte/cercaofferte.asp 30928
 /b@checa/offerte/eleofferte.asp 26614
 /b@checa/offerte/vedioff.asp 23895
 /b@checa/corsi/04/corsiprof04.aspx 22236
 /b@checa/annunci/eleannunci.asp 21937
 /b@checa/offerte/elelastofferte.asp 10470
 /b@checa/annunci/cercaannunci.asp 9739
 /b@checa/offerte/eleoffinscad.asp 6461
 /b@checa/offerte/elemostv.asp 5761
 /b@checa/corsi/04/sedientiricacc03.aspx 5206
 /b@checa/notizie/elenotizie.asp 4448
 /b@checa/annunci/elelastannunci.asp 3982
 /b@checa/corsi/04/entiprof04.aspx 3902
 /b@checa/notizie/cercanotizie.asp 3823
 /b@checa/annunci/eleanninscad.asp 2587
 /b@checa/notizie/vedinotizia.asp 2554
 /index.asp 2190
 /b@checa/annunci/login.asp 1993
 /b@checa/annunci/elesameuser.asp 1361
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 /b@checa/annunci/registra.asp 945
 /b@checa/annunci/menugest.asp 883
 /b@checa/annunci/insannuncio.asp 655
 /msoffice/cltreq.asp 385
 /b@checa/annunci/vedimodielann.asp 350
 /b@checa/offerte/insofferta.asp 310
 /b@checa/offerte/menugest.asp 247

Top Extry Pages Graph
Top Entry Pages
 document exits
 /b@checa/index.asp 118
 /index.asp 42
 /b@checa/offerte/elelastofferte.asp 11
 /b@checa/ 11
 /b@checa/offerte/insofferta.asp 5
 /robots.txt 3
 /b@checa/offerte/cercaofferte.asp 3
 /errori/err404.asp 2
 /_vti_inf.html 1
 /_vti_bin/owssvr.dll 1

Top Exiting Pages Graph
Top Exit Pages
 document exits
 /_vti_bin/fpcount.exe 52
 /b@checa/offerte/vedioff.asp 14
 /b@checa/annunci/elelastannunci.asp 12
 /b@checa/offerte/eleofferte.asp 12
 /b@checa/annunci/eleannunci.asp 10
 /b@checa/offerte/elelastofferte.asp 10
 /b@checa/notizie/cercanotizie.asp 8
 /b@checa/offerte/cercaofferte.asp 7
 /b@checa/offerte/insofferta.asp 7
 /b@checa/offerte/bloffertedati.mdb 6


Server Status Codes
 server response to client browser requests
 200: OK - Request completed 260786
 304: Cached reload 6493
 302: Object temporarily moved 4910
 207: Unknown response 3948
 404: Object not found 1266
 500: Internal server error 869
 401: Access denied 775
 400: Invalid syntax 251
 403: Request forbidden 76
 206: Unknown response 7
 405: Method is not allowed 2
 502: Error response received from gateway 1
 501: Required not supported 1

Broken Links Graph
Broken Links
 missing file (404 error) requests
 /b 819
 /favicon.ico 387
 /msoffice/cltreq.asp 218
 /robots.txt 133
 /b@checa/cv/cveuropeotedesco.doc 95

back.gif (1289 byte)   Back Page