Archaeological Management Policies
Contract n° FP6-SSP5-044376

partner's imagesARCHAEOMAP is a coordination action supported by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme, contributing to the implementation of the specific Priority Scientific Support to Policies within the thematic area Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems, Key Action The protection of cultural heritage and associated conservation strategies. ARCHAEOMAP project aims at developing balanced, interrelated policies with an integrated coastal zone management focus. Through the analysis of ten Mediterranean archaeological pilot sites it proposes an interdisciplinary research aiming at improving a sustainable development methodology for coastal and underwater archaeological sites management. The project aims at enabling owners and end-users of archaeological costal and underwater sites at improving the relationship with the marine environment. ARCHAEOMAP centres its interest in sustainable development, stressing importance of conservation and rational utilisation of coastal zone resources, also under the socio-economic aspect. The network of pilot sites will be a vehicle for knowledge-sharing, research and monitoring, education, training and participatory decision-making aiming at protecting environmental resources and cultural diversity. The pilot sites will also serve as learning and demonstration sites in the framework of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014/DESD). Piloted by an International Committee, ARCHAEOMAP will provide context-specific opportunities to combine scientific knowledge and forms of governance using an inter-disciplinary methodology. The International Forum that will take place in Paris in the spring 2009, will be the most important media window of the project to diffuse and disseminated the new methodology developed by the ARCHAEOMAP project.

. Remotely Operated Vehicle

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  © 2009 - 
European Union web site FP6 web site Sicilian Region web site Superintendence of the Sea web site Unesco web site