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Community and national resources
Boschi sicilianiThe arfd has attached great strategic importance to the realization of projects and sustainable regional integrated programs and therefore, for an efficient and effective government of protected natural areas however managed, it was necessary to access all the financing sources currently available in both national and European level, taking into consideration the state of crisis which is currently involving the regional finance, by actively participating in meetings of regional and provincial concerted decisions where concrete initiatives were submitted, in large part, accepted by POR. In some measures of the po.r. Sicily 2000-2006 the project has therefore identified some actions allowing to pursue both infrastructural purposes, aimed at the strengthening, at the conservation and restoration of habitats, species, and sites, at goods and settlement recovery, of social, Cultural and historical value, and immaterial purposes, concerning the definition of technical-scientific instruments and cultural activities and finally the creation of innovative management systems. The continuous and rich presence in tables of consultation has allowed the arfd to obtain substantial funds in the context of the following areas of implementation:
Il 18 febbraio 2008 la Commissione Europea ha approvato il Programma di Sviluppo Rurale (PSR) della Sicilia per il periodo 2007-2013. Il PSR consentirà l’attuazione degli interventi necessari a sostenere lo sviluppo del settore agricolo, alimentare e forestale, nonché la conservazione e valorizzazione dell’ambiente e lo sviluppo sostenibile dei territori rurali della regione nei prossimi 7 anni.
Il Programma Operativo Regionale della Sicilia (POR Sicilia 2000/2006) è stato approvato dalla Commissione Europea con Decisione C(2000) 2348 dell'8/08/2000. La finalità generale del Programma Operativo assume integralmente l’obiettivo generale del QCS, che prevede la “riduzione significativa del divario economico e sociale delle aree del Mezzogiorno, in modo sostenibile, accrescendo le competitività di lungo periodo, creando condizioni di accesso pieno e libero al lavoro, facendo leva sui valori ambientali e di pari opportunità”.
LIFE, the Financial Instrument for the Environment, introduced in 1992, is one of the spearheads of the European Union's environmental policy.