giovedì 12 settembre 2024
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This section seeks to answer to more frequently questions concerning the use of the arfd’s site. For the not present questions in the following list, please contact the office URP directly and reach the following address

What are the online services that the arfd offers?
The services that the arfd offers to users are the following ones:
  • access to the URP Office for Relations with the public, through the page;
  • consultation of digital mapping available from the territorial information systems Office, available through the following address;
  • access to the forms provided by arfd for all requests, questions and communications from and to the company also available through the page;
  • The publication for the consultation of news, events, announcements and supply contracts, publishing activity daily updated and all the activities that the company plays in the context of his institutional duty.

How can I request information from the arfd?
All the information required by arfd can be reach through the URP Office, that shall make a green number available, by divided rate. So, the competent bureau will answer, and the e-mail will be divided for territorial jurisdiction. The page of detail for the consultation of this information is the following.

What are the databases available on the site?
The main data banks of the arfd’s site may be list as follows:In addition to these data banks, it is possible to consult the news on the arfd world, the organized and sponsored events, the publication of contracts and supply announcements which are periodically issued, etc...

How can I consult the reserves managed by the company?
The reserves managed by arfd are included in a searchable database on the portal. The page of access to the database is the following.

The cards of detail in the reserves, provide access to information concerning the technical and administrative Tourist, if you select thev respective link at the top left.
In addition to the informative notes, you can view the map of the reserve, created through the services of Google maps, properly configured and adapted for the access to identified areas, in order to have the immediate vision of the reserve’s geography. In fact by clicking on the "satellite" of the map, you can soon visualize the physical Charter of the selected zone, and by using the mouse with the different levels of zoom, it will be possible to surf around the map

How do I browse the equipped areas managed by the company?
Equipped areas managed by the arfd have been also included in an accessible database on the portal. As for the reserves, for the equipped areas , it is possible to display details information, through the reference cards. It is also possible to view the map as to the reserves, by selecting the icon of the equipped area on the map or by the menus, placed on the left of the page.

how can I access the digital mapping of sit (Territorial Information System)?
The consultation section of the digital mapping, produced in the SIT area of the arfd, is accessible through the following link.

Which software are necessary for the consultation of digital maps and Orthophoto 3D?
to view the maps and the Orthophoto 3d it is necessary to download and install the free Plug-ins of Autodesk (Design Review) and VRML. The portal of arfd recommends as a client VRML, the software Cortona 3D Parallel Graphics
Unfortunately, the Plug-ins of Autodesk for the display of maps, is only used by the Browser Internet Explorer.

What is the newsletter registration for?
The integration of the email in the registration page of the newsletter, involves the sending by the system of an e-mail of confirmation, containing the information of registration and instructions for a possible annulment of the registration by the service.
The newsletter service implies the reception of the user that have made a request, the receptions of an e-mail of portal contents and not, as News, Publications, events etc., that the arfd may send to registered users.

How the entered data for the newsletter will be managed?
Sensitive data managed by the portal of arfd, will be managed as the laws in matter of privacy govern, and as described in the page.

Data inserted in the database can be deleted in any time, by an express request.