Territorial Information System.The territorial information system (SIT) of arfd was created to satisfy some necessities such as acquisitions, organization, analyses, territorial informations, concerning a large and heterogeneous area, constituted by forestry land, wooded areas and entrusted natural directed reserves. You can easily get useful information on geographical location of state property forestry and reserves , on Wooden sylvicultural features, on zoning of protected areas, by consulting the SIT company. It also allows to obtain in minimum time precise answers to simple and complex questions, on the subjects of forestry and environmental issues, it is arranged to be a useful support in activities of technical annual intervention programming and it is also an important instrument for the activities and interventions planning in medium and long term. Created in 2001, the SIT is an important software tool in which the hardware, the respective software and the skilled staff are working around a territorial database (official base maps, Orthophoto digital color 1t2000, thematic plans of regional interest. etc.), in which the most striking and specific element is the thematic forestry land plan, containing information on 4.000 territorial forestry units counted in regional census.
The main developed applicationsthe first territorial data for which a systematic and computerized organization it was necessary, were those relating to the information and technical mapping gathered over the years 1992-95 along regional forest, which has been divided into homogeneous territorial units, defined as "forestry sections". As a precise information of surface over 4.000 "sections" counted in regional census is absent the CAD tools were taken into account as a first approach to the problem. The next space analyses demand, that is questions, selections and visualizations of all the themes, statistical data, has been almost a hard choice for the obligation at the use of the GIS instrument.
The first interesting result is the publication of the "map of forestry land in the region of Sicily" for the aspects concerning potential coverage’s subjects, by physiognomical type, by the prevailing evolutionary stage of the species and by the volume on the "first quantitative and qualitative processing data" on the areas of provincial and regional forest land and, according to the most important forestry species, thematic data and maps on a regional basis to discuss about programming reflections, address and planning.
The management of directed natural reserves has therefore considered the demanding of borders and zoning identifications on the basis of cartographic maps, and the development of projects connected with the redefinition of these borders, by drawing up new zoning proposals and the drafting of management documented by thematic maps. These issues have found in the instruments CIs and therefore in SIT company, appropriate and satisfying answers (project of new perimetrical areas of the R. N. O. forest of SANTOPIETRO; proposals of new perimetrical areas for the rr.nn.00. Cork forest of Niscemi, Island of Linosa and Island of Pantelleria.)
Today the system is fully used by technicians in possession of good training, for application purposes like the technical processing of mapping projects, concerning interventions on state property forestry and thematic maps useful to the reserves management. the search of information resulting from questions in the system starts to be in use and there is some kind of awareness concerning the importance of the quality, of the quantity and of the available data news. The development of database , consisting in the enrichment of the same with new thematic cartography, with the contribution of new data directly collected in the territory, even with instruments D. G. The PS . (differential global position system), or derived from the photo-explaining application , on air-photos, digital orthophotographs or studies on satellite images through multispectral satellite scenes QuickBird, or simply obtained from sophisticated applications as the study of DEM (model of digital elevation) for three-dimensional analysis of the territory, is still the main efforts so that the system can continue to be a useful tool for regional planning.